
发布时间:2020-05-19 编辑:小莉 推荐访问:


山东师范大学外国语学院外国语言学及应用语言学硕士学位点简介 正文

山东师范大学外国语学院外国语言学及应用语言学硕士授权点于2002年经国务院学位委员会批准建立,并与2003年开始招生,招生专业代码、名称 050211。本硕士点立足山东,兼顾全国,以教学科研为核心,以人才培养为关键,努力将本学科建设成为专业结构合理、课程设置优化、专业方向明确、特色鲜明、优势突出的学科。
本学位点下设两个主要方向:01语言与文化社会研究;02 应用语言学。01方向的成果具有前沿性,紧跟当代语言研究的步伐,主动适应社会经济发展对语言研究和外语教育的需求,突出社会语言学对外语教育教学的关系研究。在性别与语言研究、外语教育与社会文化研究、经济地位与学业成绩的关系研究、跨文化交际学研究等方面都有一些影响的成果。02研究方向的成果也同样具有很明显的前沿性和特色性,主要致力于教师发展、教学法、测试、语篇文体与外语教学的研究、第二语言习得等研究。

TheMaster’s Program of Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in the Schoolof Foreign Languages at Shandong Normal University, was authorized by the AcademicDegrees Committee of the State Council in 2002, and began to recruit studentsin 2003.
TheMaster’s program of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics covers the followingtwo research areas: 1) Studies on Language, Culture &Society, which aim atfollowing cutting-edge theories and the most recent development in thecontemporary linguistic study, meeting the social and economic demands forlanguage study and foreign language education, focusing on research on therelationship between the foreign language teaching and economic status from theperspective of social linguistics. Our researchers have made impressiveachievements in areas of gender and language, foreign language education andculture study, the relationship between economic status and academicachievement, and cross-cultural communication studies; 2)Applied Linguistics,which, mainly committed to the development of the teachers, teachingmethodology, foreign language testing, discourse linguistics and foreignlanguage teaching and second language acquisition, is productive.
Thereare 10 members in the program, including 6 professors and 4 associateprofessors, who have either won degrees from international universities or havegained the research experiences abroad. In recent years, our researchers have authored11 monographs, published more than 50 papers in the most important nationaljournals, compiled 8 textbooks. The research projects undertaken in the programat various levels include 1 National Social Science Fund projects, 3 socialscience projects sponsored by the State Ministry of Education, 8 ShandongSocial Science Fund projects, several social science projects funded byShandong higher educational institutions and Shandong Normal University. Ourmembers won many provincial teaching & research awards. Two teachers weregranted the Excellent Young Scholar Research Fund of Shandong Normal University.


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