
发布时间:2018-11-20 编辑:小莉 推荐访问:


安徽财经大学金融学院介绍 正文






  人才的培养、专业建设与师资队伍有着密切联系,近年来,随着我校人才政策的实施,通过外部引进和内部培养与提高,我院逐步形成了一支以中青年教师为骨干、梯队整齐、结构合理的高素质师资队伍,一大批中青年教师在教学与科研中脱颖而出,成为学科建设、教学与科研建设的主力军。截至目前,我院共有教职工42人,从学历结构看,具有博士学位的教师9人,占教师总数的21.4 %,具有硕士学位的教师17人,占教师总数40.5%;从职称结构看,教授7人,副教授10人,具有高级职称的教师占教师总数的40.5%;从年龄结构看,46岁以上的教师4人,占教师总数的10%,36-45岁以下的教师15人,占教师总数的35.7%。35岁以下的教师有12人,占教师总数的28%。他们在学科建设、教书育人、科研和地方经济服务中发挥着带头作用。我院是安徽省金融学会理事单位(人民银行领导的)、安徽省保险学会理事单位、中国金融教材工作委员会委员单位。


  School of Finance of AUFE (Anhui University of Finance and Economics) is mainly engaged in education for undergraduates and postgraduates. It is a teaching organization which combines academic researches with social services. The finance discipline, known as its specialty discipline, not only is a strong and superior discipline in the university but also takes the lead in Anhui Province and ranks high in China. Decades of experiences in teaching practice have shaped its unique and advantageous teaching model which is designed to nurture quality talents, with discipline construction as the flagship, focusing on improving teaching quality, supported by qualified staff and academic construction, and features serving the local economic development.

  Founded in 1959, the finance program of AUFE is the earliest among universities and colleges in Anhui Province. It was suspended during the Cultural Revolution and was recovered in 1978 with the name changed to finance and accounting program and returned to its original name in 1984. The investment program was added in 1993. The finance program was renamed monetary banking program in 1994. In 1995, the insurance program was added in accordance with market requirement with the approval from the Ministry of Education. Later in 1996, the addition of the international finance program makes the school enlarge to include three programs --- monetary banking, insurance and international finance.
  The three programs were merged into finance program in 1997 according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education. The insurance program was restored in 2003. The timely adjustment of programs to suit the increasingly complex external environment has already formed its characteristic subject system with comparative advantages.

  The school has always seen discipline construction as the flagship, which is the guiding principle for running school. The discipline construction was always put in the first place in order to cope with the rapid development of higher education and economic construction.Up to now, three undergraduate programs are offered, namely, finance program (set up in 1959), insurance program (set up in 1995), financial engineering program (set up in 2003). Besides, finance postgraduate program is also offered in the school.

  The finance program is a demonstration program for education reform in Anhui Province. The teaching faculty for finance is also an excellent team in Anhui Province. It has been our firm belief that the quality of teaching is at the center of all activities. Our school is dedicated to fostering interdisciplinary talents. The school has five top quality courses, namely, monetary banking (charged by professor Pan Shujuan), securities investment (charged by professor Ding Zhongming), insurance (charged by professor Zhang Guohai), property and liability insurance (charged by associate professor Li Jiaming) and international finance (charged by professor Xu Xuchu). Up to now, such courses as securities investment and monetary banking were granted province-level key courses and top quality courses.

  The cultivation of talents has a close relationship with program construction and teaching staff. With the implementation of encouraging policies for attracting high-quality intellectuals, the school gradually formed a teaching team with high quality by internal cultivation and external recruitment. A large number of young and middle-aged teachers stand out who have already become the main forces in discipline construction and academic research.Up to now, the school has 42 teaching and administrative staffs among whom 9 have doctor’s degree, 17 have master’s degree. There are 7 professors and 10 associate professors in the shool.

  The school is in the west campus of AUFE, located in the west of Longzi Lake. The organization is as follows: administrative office (Tel: 3112074), teaching office (Tel: 3112074) and Communist Youth League office (Tel: 3128656).


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